Versión en Español

Adventure travel resources and other links : Information about the Cordillera Blanca and Huascaran National Park in the Peruvian Andes.

I PERU: Tourist Information and Assistance
Phone: (01) 574 8000
Office in Huaraz: Pasaje Atusparia Oficina 1 – Plaza
de Armas (041) 728812 - Huaraz

PROMPERU: The Official Site for the Promotion of Peru.

Flight Information

Embassy information

Tourist Police: Plaza de Armas (043) 42-1341 - HUARAZ

Casa de Guias: Peruvian Mountain Guides Association's office
Parque Ginebra 28-G
(043) 42-1811

USAM: High Mountain Rescue Team
Telf: (043) 42-3327/42-3291/42-33333291

SENAMHI: Peruvian National Weather and Hydrological Service.

Huascaran National Park

INRENA: National Institute of Natural Resources

National Institute of Culture (INC)
Peruvian National Geographical Institute: Maps of all Peru.

Lonely Planet: The world's best guidebooks, travel advice and information.

South American Explorers: Help with trip planning, member recommended guides and outfitters, discounts on lodging, schools, Etc.

Best Hike: Find the best hikes in the world. A life list for hikers, trekkers, trampers & bushwalkers.